Difference Between Personalised And Non-Personalised Ads


What is personalised and non-Personalised ads
Google Images:

Personalised Ads
Non-Personalised Ads
Personalised advertising (formerly known as interest-based advertising) is a powerful tool that improves advertising relevance for users and increases ROI for advertisers. In all our publisher products, we make inferences about a user’s interests based on the sites that they visit or the apps that they use. This allows advertisers to sasaran their campaigns according to these interests, providing an improved experience for users and advertisers alike.

Google considers ads to be personalized when they're based on previously collected or historical data to determine or influence ad selection, including a user's previous search queries, activity, visits to sites or apps, demographic information or location. Specifically, this would include, for example, demographic targeting, interest category targeting, remarketing, targeting Customer Match lists and targeting audience lists uploaded in DoubleClick Bid Manager or Campaign Manager.
Non-personalised ads are ads that aren't based on a user’s past behavior. They're targeted using contextual information, including course (such as city-level) geo-targeting based on current location and content on the current site or app or current query terms. Google disallows all personalized targeting, including demographic targeting and user list targeting.

Although non-personalised ads don’t use cookies or mobile ad identifiers for ad targeting, they do still use cookies or mobile ad identifiers for frequency capping, aggregated ad reporting and to combat fraud and abuse. Therefore, you must obtain consent to use cookies or mobile ad identifiers for those purposes where legally required, per the Internet Privacy Directive in certain EEA countries.

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